When We Meet

Sunday Mornings

Adult Bible Studies: 9:15
Tim King's class is studying Revelation in room 10.
Billy Rawlings is studying Romans in room 9.

Worship Service: 10:30 am

Children's Church: 10:30 am (for K-5th graders)

Wednesday night adult Bible study

Why Does Jesus Matter?  In this six-session series, pastor and author J.D. Greear will answer the question, “Why does Jesus matter?” He’ll explore who Jesus is, why he came, and what he said and did, to help us understand the life-changing effect Jesus had—and continues to have—on the world. Join J.D. and see the difference that Jesus can make in your life. This study is suited for any adult.

Stephen Hall will facilitate this study in room 10.

Wednesday night adult Bible study

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life: by Donald Whitney
Don Whitney’s convicting insight on spiritual disciplines will challenge you to grow in new ways as a Christian.  Regardless of where you are in your Christian Walk, this study provides refreshing and profound encouragement for your spirit. This study is suited for adults who still have children living at home.

Adam Shewmaker will facilitate this study in room 9.