Ministry Teams

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

Saul’s early efforts at serving the Lord teach us that God wants all whom He has saved to serve Him in whatever situations He puts them. This means starting to serve as soon as you’re saved. If Christ has saved you from your sins, then out of love you should be zealous to serve Him. As Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). If we are growing to be like Jesus, our focus in life should be to serve Him.
Below you will find the different Ministry Teams at Cornerstone Christian Church with their purpose and primary functions. We encourage you to pray about the team/s you want to become a part of. If you are being called to lead a particular team, please let Warren or Nichole know by emailing:

Hospitality Team

Melissa Byrd

Purpose: To create a welcoming atmosphere at Cornerstone for our guests and members.
Primary Functions:  Providing Church Hospitality through Greeters in handing out bulletins, Hosting Morning Café with Coffee, serving as Welcome Center Hosts giving more information about Cornerstone to Guests and members, Serving as Parking lot attendants, Guest follow up through Letter writing, phone calls and text. Examining Décor for Guest comfort and appeal, review website from guest perspective, etc

Worship Team

Warren Whitaker

Purpose:To pursue excellence in group worship experiences at Cornerstone.
Primary Functions:Plan and lead worship experience that engage the congregation in authentic worship through Singing, Music, lighting, Projection, Drama and Creative Arts, Prayer, Offerings, Communion Preparation, Communion Meditations and servers.

Children's Ministry Team

Julie Dickerson

Purpose:A ministry focused on children from Birth to 5th grade. Providing spiritual growth, ministry involvement, and service while fostering relationships with peers.
Primary Functions:Weekly age appropriate classes for Cornerstone Kids Worship, Sunday Morning Bible Studies, Wednesday Night Lessons. Specialty Groups could include: Children’s Drama, Special Music presentations, Holiday events, outings, crafts, Seasonal Events, as well as special activities and trips.

Teen Ministry Team

Warren Whitaker

Purpose: To plan and promote ministry focused on youth 6th – 12th grade providing spiritual growth, ministry involvement, and service while fostering relationships with peers.
Primary Functions:Organize and Oversee Teen Ministries: including weekly age appropriate classes for Sunday Morning Bible Studies and Wednesday Night Lessons. Small Group ministries for Spiritual growth and Service such as: Devotional Groups, Drama Group, Praise Team, and other interests. Regular events and outings for special activities and trips for Spiritual growth and group bonding.

Family & Fellowship Team

Allie Shewmaker

Purpose:To plan and promote fun and fellowship activities for the church.
Primary Functions:Makes arrangements for church gatherings for fun or fellowship (comedy or music nights, pie socials, etc.). Oversee food preparation and serving for church activities and ministries. (ie. Wednesday Night Meals, Pizza with the Preacher, Church Potlucks, Special event and Holiday Meals, Bereavement meals, and support of other ministries with their activities.)

Facilities Team

Jeff Hallmark

Purpose: To maintain church facilities.
Primary Functions: The team works to maintain the building and grounds cleanliness, repairs, renovations and overall appearance. Facilities also helps with security.

Questions about volunteering?

We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.